Graduate Courses 

PHYSIC 607: Squishy Physics

Fall 2020, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 697: Experimental Techniques in Soft Matter Physics

Fall 2018, UMass Boston

Undergraduate Courses

PHYSIC 107: College Physics 1

Fall 2023, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 171: Introductory Physics Labs for Life Science 1

Fall 2023, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 113: Fundamentals of Physics 1

Spring 2022, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 214: Thermodynamics

Spring 2021, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 281: Physical Laboratory I

Fall 2019, UMass Boston

PHYSIC 182: Physics Laboratory II

Spring 2019, UMass Boston

Before joining UMass Boston

Thermal Physics PHYS 253

Fall 2016, McGill University (Canada)  

Experimental Physics 

Sep. 2009 - Aug. 2011, University of Montpellier (France)